The Inclusion Solution: Amplifying Diverse Perspectives

Season #7

What do we miss when we don’t have diverse perspectives represented in the media? How can we remove barriers and amplify the voices of those from historically marginalized backgrounds? In today’s episode of The Inclusion Solution LIVE, co-managing editors of The Inclusion Solution online publication Leigh Morrison and Gabrielle “Gabby” Gayagoy Gonzalez discuss the power of building empathy through storytelling. Listen in as Gabby and Leigh share the lived experiences they bring to this work and discuss the themes that frequently surface when practicing inclusive writing, from raising awareness about ableist language to ensuring current events are framed using historical context. As a bonus, listeners will get a preview of The Winters Group’s upcoming Virtual Learning Lab moderated by Leigh, “Pride for Past, Present, and the Future,” on justice for the queer community in today’s world.