How to Be Well to Do Well: The Physiology of Inclusion™

Season #5

Self-care and well-being are essential for diversity, equity, inclusion, and justice (DEIJ) practitioners to navigate the challenges of their work and sustain their efforts. In this second episode of Season 5 of The Inclusion Solution LIVE podcast, The Physiology of Inclusion™: Finding Ease, co-hosts Kevin A. Carter and Rochelle Younan-Montgomery of The Winters Group, Inc., take a closer look at the six components of the The Physiology of Inclusion™ framework: Physical Presence, Emotional Presence, Mental Presence, Spiritual Presence, Social Presence, and Practical Presence. Listen in and take a moment to reflect on how these elements show up in your self-care and get a preview of Rochelle and Kevin’s guided practices for finding ease during stressful and emotionally fatiguing times.

Want to be a part of the conversation on finding balance in DEIJ work? Send us questions, challenges, or topics you'd like to hear more about in an upcoming episode by emailing [email protected] with “Finding Ease” in the subject line.